"He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." -Micah 6:8
Mission: Assist the Parish Pastoral Council by developing pastoral plans and policies in the areas of Christian service and social action. Educate and raise awareness to the parish about the social mission of the Church. Call parishioners to be involved in service and advocacy for a moral justice and peaceful society. Research the available diocesan resources. Maintain communication with the PPC.
Time: Probably monthly meetings, to be decided by comission when formed.
Eligibility: All interested parishioners
Special Skills: A vibrant Catholic faith, willingness to explore Catholic Social Teaching, passion for Gospel justice, committment to seek peace, a prayerful spirit, ability to collaborate, ability to communicate effectively in order to pass on knowledge and a sense of urgency.
Mission: Participate in strictly non-partisan organizing efforts for the sake of empowering residents, developing leaders, and encouraging active participation in the policitical process for the sake of transforming our neighborhoods and fighting for social justice in our community both locally and state-wide.
Time: Varied levels of comittment, flexible scheduling
Eligibility: All interested parishioners
Special Skills: Following current events, willingness to work with a diverse group of leaders, belief that together we can make a difference.
Mission: Provide services to the incarcerated, including communication services, Bible studies, spiritual events, social activities, masses, etc. In addition, this ministry also serves families of the incarcerated.
Time: Varies
Eligibility: All interested parishioners
Special Skills: Whatever gifts the Lord has given you are used in this ministry, but the main ingredient is love.
Mission: Fulfill the two great commandments, to love God and to love one's neighbor. Help needy families, both materially and spiritually. Make personal visits to homes, hospitals, and institutions. Help pick up donated items as needed. Refer to Cleveland Furniture Bank and West Side Catholic Center.
Time: Flexible
Eligibility: All interested parishioners
Special Skills: Patience, love, confidentiality, availability
Mission: This is a multifaceted ministry aimed at improving the health of parishioners. Mission varies depending on one's skills, training, and ability to commit.
Time: Determined by each person by their comittment.
Eligibility: All interested parishioners
Special Skills: General concern for healthy living, nursing skills, social work skills, exercise coaching, dietary training. Organize health programs within the Parish with organization in the Community.
Mission: Provide spiritual support to sick parishioners in need.
Time: Determined individually
Eligibility: All interested parishioners
Special Skills: Ability to listen with compassion and understanding. Have ability to share the faith. Extraordinary ministers, Minsters of the Eucharist may also offer communion to the sick. Take a copy of the weekly parish bulletin and share with the homebound what is going on in the parish.
Mission: Help translate and proof-read letters, fliers, and documents between English and Spanish for publication within the parish. Assist individuals and families who need help interpreting with hospitals, doctors offices, and other agencies and public services.
Time: Determined individually by need
Eligibility: All bilingual parishioners
Special Skills: Strong language skills in both English and Spanish. Has ability to manage proper vocabulary and grammar of both languages. Word processing is helpful but not necessary.
Mission: Collaborate with these groups which formed for the sake of reclaiming our neighborhoods for families. Volonteer in opportunities throughout the Community or with other efforts of the Coalition to foster collaborations wherever possible.
Time: Determined individually by need
Eligibility: All interested parishioners
Special Skills: Ability to work collaboratively, compassion for and desire to serve the poor, mentoring for youth, home visitation, office skills. Almost any skill can be used in this service.
Mission: Take collected items to Recycling Centers including our own recycling bin. Educate parishioners about the importance of recycling for the well-being of the ecology of our environment, local and universal, and to the economy. Get it organized in a convenitn way, to the parish and its members, toward individual benefit and to the community. Teach the difference between the parish dumpster and the recycling bin. Go green!
Time: Flexible and according to needs of developed activities
Eligibility: All interested parishioners
Special Skills: Knowledge and awareness of the ecological environment in our daily life. To organize and to project an action plan within the Church as well as extensive to the community. Have a convincing communications skill to collaborate the importance of ecology of the environment.