We're pleased to announce that, with support from the Diocese of Cleveland, we are installing a new, state-of-the-art security system for the entire parish campus. This system, consisting of cameras, alarm equipment, and electronically controlled door locks, will help safeguard all our parishioners, guests, staff, and of course, our beautiful church.
As part of this initiative, those who have keys to certain doors will need to have those keys replaced with a badge that, when scanned next to the door's sensor, will unlock the door. You will also be given a 4-digit security code, unique to you, that will be used to arm/disarm the security system in that area, should you be the first or last person there. We will be scheduling two training/informational sessions to take place between the Sunday 9:45am and 12:00pm Masses.
If you, or someone you know, has a key to any of the areas on parish property, please complete one of the "access control" forms located on the platform near the assembly room entrance of the church or linked here. Also, if you have a key that you no longer need, please indicate so on the form. Please return the form no later than Sunday, March 31, to Corrigan Maher or the Parish Office.