Mission: Prepare Hall setup and prepare and serve the meal on the last Sunday of each month. Assist with shopping for supplies.
Time: Last Sunday of each month setup at 9:00am, meal at 1:30pm, cleanup at 2:30pm.
Eligibility: All interested parishioners
Special Skills: Willingness to assist, ability to work as a team, learns to serve food preparation
In conjunction with the Cleveland Food Bank and its regulations
Mission: Assist in preparing food bags for the poor. Assist in keeping the records of the food bank in order. Pick up food from the Food Bank. Stock the food pantry. Rotate and stock the cabinets in the Martha Room (pantry). Prepare and dispense seasonal distributions of food baskets throughout the year - especially Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas.
Time: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 1:00pm - 3:00pm; Variable for seaosnal distributions
Eligibility: All interested parishioners
Special Skills: Leadership, Recruitment, Enthusiasm, Hospitality. Training provided as needed. Assist at training given by the Food Bank.
Mission: Assist the Pastor in discerning how the parish can best carry out the mission of the Church. The Pastoral Council possesses consultative vote. To work with the Finance Council for sound financial guidance and planning regarding the resources needed to implement parishi plans, programs, and policies. Maintain the unity, spiritual growth, service, and parish planning in our community.
Time: Fourth Monday in January, March, May, July, September, and November after 6:30pm Mass
Eligibility: All active adult parishioners
Special Skills: Leadership, ability to work as a team, passion for ministry
Mission: Coordinate with all parish groups and organizations for the hours of the days and nights that people choose to spend before the Blessed Sacrament during our feast. Coordinator is the Pastor.
Time: Surrounding dates of September 29 which is the Feast of the Three Archangels, including Saint Michael.
Eligibility: All interested parishioners
Special Skills: Organize, communicate with groups inside and outside of parish, publicize
Mission: Celebrate! Honor the parish history, and recognize the founders of our parish and all the cultures that now form our parish family. Raise funds, prepare schedule, and coordinate with groups within the parish. Publicize and help in the coordination of the celebration always on the second Sunday of October.
Time: Several monthly meetings before October; varies by sub-comittee.
Eligibility: All interested parishioners
Special Skills: Organize. Communicate with groups inside and outside our parish. Publicize.
Mission: Coordinate with all parish groups and organizations our annial picnic on a Sunday in August. Prepare place, set-up before and clean after activity. Help to get what is needed.
Time: Several meetings before the picnic.
Eligibility: All interested parishioners
Special Skills: Organize and Publicize. Communicate with groups within the parish. Experience fundraising is helpful.
Mission: Form different sub-comittees to organize the distribution of the monthly tickets throughout the parish, to the Alumni, and neighborhood. Organize and recruit volunteers.
Time: Several monthly meetings before July. Can vary by sub-comittee.
Eligibility: All interested parishioners
Special Skills: Organizational skills, marketing skills, team players
Mission: Welcome parishioners and visitors with coffee and donuts after Mass and on holidays and special occasions.
Time: Sunday after Mass
Eligibility: All interested parishioners
Special Skills: Social, be welcoming. Communicate well and share with others. Training is available.
Mission: Form sub-comittees to organize all aspects of the celebrations. Organize and recruit leaders or entrusted to people.
Time: Monthly meetings before event. Varies according to subcommittee.
Eligibility: All interested parishioners
Special Skills: Be organized, marketing experience, work with a team. Experience in writing skills for proposals
Mission: Transport people to and from church functions and events. Allow time before functions and events to be able to pick up passengers, acquire list of passengers, and be responsible.
Time: Variable
Eligibility: All adult parishioners with valid Drivers' License
Special Skills: Valid Drivers' License, courteous, patient, responsible, dependable